Pop OS 19.04 Review : Hands on With System76’s Beautiful Linux Distro Pop!_OS
Brief: Linux system
manufacturer System76 introduced a beautiful looking Linux distribution
called Pop!_OS. But is Pop OS worth an install? Read the Pop OS review
and find out yourself.
When I saw that System 76 launched their #TryPopOS campaign last month I knew this was the perfect opportunity to really put Pop!_OS through its paces. I am a proud owner of the Galago Pro,
which I purchased the day they launched pre-orders this Spring and it
has been my primary computer since then. I use it for everything from
writing articles, to browsing the internet, to light gaming, and though
the machine has its quirks I am beyond happy with it.
Back when I ordered the laptop Pop!_OS
wasn’t announced yet so my laptop came with stock Ubuntu, which I
promptly replaced with Ubuntu GNOME. Since then I have tried a couple
different options including Elementary OS, Manjaro GNOME Edition, and
most recently I have settled on KDE Neon.
Everything I have thrown at it has
worked great on it so far, but now it is time to try something
different. Here is my experience with System 76’s Pop!_OS.
Pop OS Review

To preface, let me clarify that my
Galago Pro was not the only computer I ran Pop!_OS on. First I installed
it on my 2011 11 inch Acer Aspire One to see how it would do on a low
spec machine.
a mid-range experience, I ran it in a virtual machine on my Galago Pro
with 2 cores, 4 GB of ram, and 128 MB of VRAM. After that, I installed
it on my mid tier gaming tower. That machine has an Intel i5 processor, a
Nvidia 1050 graphics card, and 16 GB of ram.
Finally, after a couple test drives, I fully installed it on my Galago Pro for about a week to see how I would like it.
To deeper understand the OS, I decided
to judge it not on my personal workflow but on the quality of experience
that System 76 is trying to create. That means, apart from installing
Neofetch, I stayed away from the terminal for updates and application
installations. I used Pop!_OS’s version of the application store, Pop
Shop, for these types of things.
I also refrained from customizing the UI
as much as possible. I didn’t even install GNOME Tweaks in this run,
which Pop!_OS does not come preloaded with. Since Pop!_OS uses GNOME, I
could have done this to install various extensions to expand my
usability but decided against it for the sake of this review. I wanted
the pure experience that System 76 is creating.

Background and Overview
System 76 announced Pop!_OS after Canonical decided to stop development of Unity 8.
This marked the end of Canonical’s hopes of implementing convergence in
Ubuntu proper and sparked the beginning of a collaborative relationship
with the GNOME team.
people were excited about this, while others were quite disappointed,
myself included. System 76 was one of those groups of people who had
high hopes for Unity 8 and the future convergence had to offer. They had
hung tight and stayed faithful as we all awaited the next step of
Unity’s development. I don’t doubt that System 76 had thrown around the
idea of creating their own OS before this happened, but I firmly believe
that this announcement is what really pushed them to create what we now
know as Pop!_OS.
So what is Pop!_OS? In the marketing
world, the question people would ask is “what makes this different,
better, special?” In short, what is the draw here? Now, I will admit,
when I first heard about Pop!_OS I thought it would be just a skinned
version of Ubuntu GNOME. Before they released Pop!_OS they released
their own Pop OS icon pack and theme
and announced the fonts they were going to use. Once I installed them I
couldn’t help but think that was all Pop!_OS was going to offer. A new
coat of paint on the GNOME desktop.
After some time passed, after I tested
it out, and as System 76 release more and more information about their
new OS I happily found that I was wrong. What is great about Pop!_OS is
not what it is. At this point, it is just another distribution that
honestly fragments the world of Linux just a little bit more. And I
don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way.
But what makes Pop!_OS different,
better, special is what it can and will be. Forgive the comparison, but
System 76 is in a position to take on the role of the “Apple of the
Linux world.” Not only are they making the hardware, but now they have
committed to making software designed for the machines they will be on.
They are in a place where they can design these two separate pieces of
personal computing in tandem.
This will undoubtedly make for a more
seamless and clean interaction between the two. The future of Pop!_OS is
where my excitement lies, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t great now
because it definitely is.
This is something that most
distributions don’t have a huge problem with, but Pop!_OS takes it to
the next level. On their site, System 76 offers two different Pop!_OS
downloads: one for Intel/AMD drivers and one for Nvidia.
is awesome! Seriously. Why is this not the norm at this point? It’s
such a simple concept. The only difference here is that the Nvidia
download AUTOMATICALLY downloads the Nivida drivers onto your system so
your Nvidia graphics card should work right out of the box. It does not
get more seamless than that. I tried both of these options and in my use
case both worked perfectly.
All my machines worked great as
expected, so as long as your system meets the based criteria of 2 GB of
ram, 16 GB of storage, and a 64-bit processor then you should be good.
The only “downside” I can find regarding compatibility is that they only
support 64-bit architecture. But is that really a downside in 2018?
Look and Feel
Now to the fun part. Pop!_OS is easily
one of the best-looking desktop environments I have ever used. I would
say it is tied with Elementary OS, the Budgie desktop environment on
Solus OS, Deepin, and Manjaro GNOME Edition.
That’s not to say that other
distributions aren’t beautiful too or that any of these are even my
favorite looking options. I am just saying that I think they are
objectively some of the most beautiful options Linux has to offer. I
personally prefer the default look of Plasma 5 or Unity with the Numix
themes and icons installed. Plasma is simple, clean, and professional,
while Unity with the Numix theme is iconic, unique, and functional.
But Pop!_OS, as well as these other
options, offer a bit of flair that is on a different level. They aren’t
over the top, but they are clean and modern. I think a key signifier
that a distro is “objectively beautiful” is if at first glance any
person, Linux user or not, were to look at said desktop and think “whoa
that is really pretty!” Of which Pop!_OS is most certainly included.
Like I mentioned earlier, Pop!_OS has
its own desktop GTK theme and icon pack, and uses two fonts, the Roboto
Slab and Fira fonts, for its UI. Many of us are familiar with the Roboto
font family, and Fira was originally developed for Firefox OS back in
2013, so both of these fonts predate the OS. Though the theme and icons
are originally based on other of other projects they add enough
character to consider them a new entity on their own. I would say that
the icons are not as unique as the theme. They are still dangerously
similar to their source icon pack, Papirus, but still, add some changes
that I think make sense. The GTK theme, which is based on the Adapta
Theme, looks almost nothing like it did originally. Other than the flat
elements, System 76 did a great job at making the Adapta Theme their own
with the Pop GTK Theme. For what it’s worth, I also think the cursor
looks nice though I am not sure if this is a new or a forked project.
being said, the entire OS has a very flat, minimal, and clean UI that
makes sense in 2018. Some people are not a fan of the flat design
language, but I believe the general consensus is that this is the
present standard of a modern technology UI. I for one have no problem
with it. I think flat design language is beautiful, to say the least.
Though it became popular with the Android Lollipop update when Google
introduced their Material Design language, many other companies and
designers have used that concept and made it completely unique. System
76 is no exception and I am more than satisfied with the theme they have
System 76 has also created their own
installer experience in Pop!_OS. The installation process is kin to one
of an OEM installation. That makes sense since this will be the primary
option System 76 will include on their computers moving forward. This
means the first person to log in after you install the OS will be
prompted to set up their user account as if they turned on the laptop
for the first time. This is a nice touch that adds no real confusion or
fuss to the Ubuntu installation process we are already used to.

Performance and Work Flow
As far as functionality is concerned, if
you are used to default GNOME then you will feel at home in Pop!_OS.
The DE tries the best it can to get out of the way of your work. There
is no dock, no activities bar that shows your open applications
immediately on the desktop, and the system tray is very minimal by
default. As per GNOME, the Activities Overview is where all of that
information will pop into view, no pun intended. With a press of the
super key, you will see all of your open applications laid out in a
grid, the GNOME dash which is pretty much an on command dock, and all
your virtual desktops.
None of this is new. This is the standard GNOME way of doing things.
The difference is that Pop!_OS just looks so much more beautiful while
doing so. It maintains the same smooth and quick interface, and the
animations are simple. They just enough to add a feeling of quality to
your desktop environment not their previously. But there is one glaring
downside, in my opinion.
For a lot of us who are used to a more
traditional desktop environment Pop!_OS may be a little harder to
navigate at first with the omission of the minimize and maximize window
buttons. It keeps the close button, but all three of these buttons are
so integral to my experience that it was quite difficult to get used to
not using them.
This is the same critique I have of Elementary OS.
If I were to use Pop!_OS as a full-time DE I would install GNOME Tweak
Tool if only to add these buttons back. Now, I said I would rate the OS
based off of what System 76 was trying to achieve and not based on my
personal workflow, which I am. But I genuinely think that adding this
functionality by default is simply a better way of doing things, though I
respect System 76’s decision not to do so.
The performance of the OS is as you
would expect. I was not able to see a consistent difference between
default Ubuntu GNOME and Pop!_OS. They used about the same amount of
system resources at boot up, game performance was almost identical, and
any form of video and image editing I did with it worked just as
expected. So really there is nothing that stands out here in Pop!_OS.
But that is a good thing. In fact, that’s a great thing. The OS was
smooth, functional, and melted into the background just as it was
intended to.
Pop!_OS gets a perfect score in the performance category.
So all of that is fine and great, but
what is my overall opinion of System 76’s distribution? Before I answer
that, I think the final question is who is Pop!_OS for? I have
intentionally avoided asking this question up until this point, and I
have done so for one main reason: I don’t think it matters.
Now, System 76 says directly on their
site that this is a distribution for scientists, engineers, creators,
makers, etc. It is designed for people who need to get things done on a
technical level. The reason I say that this is that though we know who
System 76’s target market is I see no reason why this distro can’t be
for someone else.
In fact, I think a better question than
asking “who is Pop!_OS for?” is “who is it NOT for?” That is a simpler
question in my opinion because that demographic is much smaller. Pop!_OS
is not for a person who either considers themselves a Linux power user,
someone who is used to traditional desktop paradigms with no interest
in changing that, and/or someone who just simply doesn’t like the style
of Pop!_OS.
say this may not be for a Linux power user because we are a very picky
sort of bunch. Yes, I include myself in this group, so I am admitting
Pop!_OS may not be for me. I know how I can get things done. I know the
best workflow for my computing experience. And honestly, that is not
with something like Pop!_OS. I may not be what I call a true power user
like some spec happy gamers, various software engineers, or even as
video game developers, but I know what I am used to and how I can get
things done effectively.
Not to say I couldn’t achieve that with
Pop!_OS with a few tweaks here and there. It can be made to do whatever
you want because, in the end, it is still Linux. I just believe
customizing it too much sort of takes away from the point of choosing
something like this. Why commit to Pop!_OS to simply make it something
Overall, I think Pop!_OS is a fantastic
distribution that most people could really enjoy if they opened up their
workflow to something they may or may not be used to. It is clean,
fast, and well developed. Which I think is exactly what System 76 was
going for here.
This was not an exhaustive review by any
means, but I hope you have a better idea as to what this option has to
offer the Linux community as a whole. As I stated earlier, what excites
me most about Pop!_OS is not what it is, but what it can be. The future
of System 76’s distribution is bright, and I am excited to see where
they take it moving forward.
Let me know what you think about
Pop!_OS. Are you as optimistic about it as I am or do you think this was
a pointless endeavor as others seem to think? Let me know either way in
the comment section below, as well as any other information you think I
missed in this review.
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